Friday, 1 April 2011


As a profession triathlete I train every day of the week and this usually consists of 3 sessions a day. Everyday I train with the belief that the training I do will improve my performance in races and overall, help me to become a very successful athlete. With the demands of training I inflict on my body, I am constantly in a catabolic (breakdown) mode. This situation causes tiny tears in my muscles and after a long period of time, with out counter acting it, my muscles will go through a period of atrophy (muscle wastage) and the long term effect is a loss of power, strength and endurance and ultimately: A severe drop in performance.

To avoid the inevitable damages and gain maximal benefits from my training, it is essential that I take supplements to ensure I adapt to the physical demands I bestow upon myself. Eating a healthy, balanced diet with healthy snacks is one of my main priorities, but to get the nutrients straight into my body after training I need something that gets digested and transported quickly. Below are a few supplements that I take to ensure that this is achieved:

  • First thing in the morning I have a protein shake. This is usually a combination of hydrolized and isolate whey. The reason for this is that these are purer forms of whey and digest very quickly. Also, it quenches my appetite and prepares my body for the day ahead.
  • After breakfast I take:
  1. Fish Olis - Good for lubricating the joints and preventing any inflammation in the muscles.
  2. Co-enzyme Q 10 - Potent Anti-Oxidant that prevents the accumulation of free radicals caused by oxidative stress from training and helps convert food into energy and provides me with long lasting energy throughout the day.
  3. Cherry Active Capsules - Again, a very good anti-oxidant and prepares my body for the day ahead.
  • During training I usually use an electrolyte drink over an energy drink. I believe that keeping my electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride) levels maintained all day will prevent any muscular cramps or loss in energy.
  • After Training - a protein and carbo shake in a 2:1 ratio (carb:protein). The carbohydrates provide the energy for the protein to reach and repair the damaged muscles. For example: Whey hydrolized and isolate protein powder and waxy maize starch or a combination of fructose and glucose.
  • In very hard training I usually load up with Beta Alanine. This is to help increase my lactate threshold and push my body even further. This is only used during race season as my attention is focused on improving my anaerobic thresholds.
  • Just before bedtime I take some more Cherry Active Capsules as this helps improve the quality of sleep by managing the melatonin levels in my body.
Keeping your body maintained and looked after is a vital stage in reaching your potential as an athlete.

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